
Services at a glance

Marketing is a fundamental element of any business growth strategy. 

During these difficult times there has never been a better time to plan for the future and look at ways to improve your presence in the market place.

Take a look at the services i can offer to help you focus your energy and time....




Building a strong presence in the market place is vitally important. Identify the activities that fit with your business model and your audience.  Sometimes all you need is direction from somebody that knows how!

Strategy & Planning

A guide to help you identify the activities required to meet business objectives and focus your energies in the right areas. What is your vision?  Ensuring not only you, but your employees and other stakeholders are working towards a common goal so you can successfully implement and evaluate.

Positioning & Messaging

Who is your audience? Where will you find them and how will you target them? Then consider your message, make it unique and specific. Finally consider the best methods of communication that fit with your key audience.

Campaign & Project Management

You are working on a new innovation and want to build a campaign around how this will look. A plan will help you to work in an organised and active way towards a particular goal. You can then work on the activities required to meet your objective.

Refresh or Rework

Creating new materials can be hard work, cost time and money. Can you refresh your current content to use in new ways. If refresh is not an option, creating a strategy to develop new materials is the quickest way to success.

Design & Brand Development

Your image represents the personality of you as an individual or business.  Develop consistent templates across all your materials to ensure you protect the integrity of your brand.

Conceptual Design

A story board helps to focus the mind. In simple terms it’s a visual representation of your indended outcome. With images and text you can plan a whole activity before you commit to creating the finished article, saving time, resources and money.


Have a unique brand story. A brand represents the personality of a business or individual. Ask yourself what does this look like? Identify colours, your intended audience, your industry and how your brand will look across multiple channels. It does not need to be complicated.

Brochures & Leaflets

A simple method of advertising your products or services which can be tailored to be used as an online or offline tool. It gives you the ability to expand on your offering in more detail and showcase your innovations.


Another way of advertising your businesses brand, targeting a larger audience. Remember these are keep sakes that people take away and use in the office or at home and may even pass onto colleagues and friends. A great way to keep your brand moving and remembered.

Events, Exhibitions & Conferences

Excellent for building your network, an opportunity to seek out new business and hear about new innovations, meet and connect with people in your industry and talk with existing and new customers.

Project Management

Building events takes time and excellent organisational skills. You want to be present at an event but have no idea where to start. You may require a stand, catering, sponsorship and advertising, registration for individuals in your company and the list goes on. It takes careful planning as to your needs and what your intended goal is for attending.

Stand Design

This is advertising your company on a large scale. You will require somebody to manage a stand builder, to design your visuals and dress your stand, expert eyes to maximise your visual presence by identifying the best position for your stand. You may also need additional advice on networking activities, the best way to launch a new innovation or entertainers to engage your audience.

Sponsorship & Advertising

There maybe opportunities to sponsor an array of materials from the brochure at the event to lanyard’s or even the evenings networking event. You will require a designer to support these activities and co-ordinate with the organisers..


You may want to entertain your guests, have a themed dinner or event. This could include developing ideas for a theme that fits with your topic, dressing the venue, hiring props, table dressing, seating planning, entertainment and much more…

Digital Solutions

The world is evolving and in marketing it is always moving.  In today’s market, an online presence has never been more important.

Social Media

Social media offers many benefits to business owners. You can reach out to multiple contacts and expand your network to target new/potential customers. It also enables businesses to get exposure and gain market insights. Most importantly it’s easily accessible, on the move, anywhere, anytime and at minimal investment.

Video's & Animations

These are still trending. Use wherever possible, they are a great tool to grab the attention of your audience and can bring a personal touch to your business. You can create videos and animations in so many ways, and today, it’s as simple as using your mobile devices and PowerPoint. For the more adventurous there are lots more complex options available and I can help you to story board your ideas. If money is no object, videos are a great way to use as the NEW business card. Hand them out at events or to customers.


Presentations are a great engagement tool for a specific project. They are informative and help guide you and your audience through a series of topics with the aid of graphics and text. They are also an excellent sales tool and provide another avenue to showcase your projects, services and your companies’ brand.

Email Campaigns

Direct messages never fail - an approach that doesn’t go away and while people are always predicting its death, it still delivers. Over 80% of people prefer to receive emails from a brand they trust over other types of communication. Tailor your messages to be personal, experiment with new trends, which could include newsletters and targeted campaigns to expand your reach to larger audiences.